Select operates Pierrot, a fashion website that promotes fashions that "life-size women" can relate to, for a variety of occasions, such as wanting to try a different taste, wanting just the right clothes to wear to the next outing, or finding a piece that suits you. The business is based on the philosophy that through fashion, women can always enjoy their lives with a smile.

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Prior to the implementation of the Fanplayr system, Select was using multiple marketing tools to pop up web-based customer engagement media in reponse to their perceived objectives. However, they felt that they were facing challenges in terms of operational resources and costs, and they were considering consolidating the tools. Select also wanted to increase the visibility and improve the effectiveness of standard numeric performance indicators in measuring results and trends.

"In the future, we plan to increase the range and variety of measures we can take while checking the numbers at regular meetings with the Fanplayr support team. We are also able to receive insights n successful examples from other companies and suggestions for new Fanplayr products. Hence, we are looking forward to the expanded use of the Fanplayr platform in the future." - Yoshida Wakana – E-Commerce Site Director


Displaying existing pop-ups and banners to the behavioral targets analyzed by Fanplayr, the conversion rate increased by 251% and the sales amount increased by 124% while the number of coupons distributed was reduced by 58%.